Thursday, 26 April 2012

Week 7

'Better late than never' or so the saying goes. I'm not entirely sure that I concur but I'm here at least, at the end of week 7. I can now run 2.5 miles without stopping, at roughly 11+ minutes per mile.

I had my first (and hopefully only) running related injury, a pulled calf muscle, that forced me to rest for 3 days. This seriously frustrated me as I have selected the event that I would like to participate in and am starting to feel the pressure. The event, a 4 mile run through a local wildlife park after hours is 4 miles (6.5k) as opposed to the 5k that I am building towards. Having canvassed the running scene here in Cork, it's definitely the event that most appeals to me, despite the fact that it's going to add an extra bit in the distance. With the event date being the middle of May (eeeek...just over 2 weeks!) I really need to get on with achieving the 5k mark with no more delays. I'm hoping pure adrenalin will carry me that bit further on the day!

So, Week 7's progression as follows: Day 1... 2.5 miles, not easy or pretty but done. Day 2...1.5 miles and Ouch! up for 3 days. Day 2 (take 2) 2.5 miles again...done! Day 3 completed, another 2.5 miles done and I am left with certain knowledge that week 8 is going to be tough. Abbie has expressed a strong opinion that we should do another couple of 2.5 mile runs before we move on to week 8. I am inclined to agree but feeling the time constraint I also would like to push on.

With our burgeoning spring weather having retreated back from whence it came and been replaced by massive hail showers , not to mention the arrival of chickenpox into the household and the unscheduled departure of my husband for 3 weeks work at sea, it's going to be tricky enough to get out this week. But hang on a sec, this is the moment. This is what the journey is about. It's not about what's easy, convenient or fits in nice and tidy into the schedule. It's about 'Opting in'. It's about doing something different and I am up for the challenge.

Next blog post will be post 5k run!

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Week 6

Another week has flown by. Well, technically a week and 2 days but I'm not splitting hairs on this one. The fact that it has taken me an extra two days to complete Week 6 could be viewed as a blemish on my otherwise perfect (if I do say so myself) record. The reality is that I ran 2.25miles tonight despite having been nursing a stiff neck and shoulders for the last few days, which, I think, blows that bad mark right off the record and out of the park.

The week started easy. A nice alternating cycle of 3 running sections & walking sections was complimented by a change in scenery as we were visiting relatives for the holidays. The route was alot less hilly which was a welcome break from my normal run and aside from nearly being sucked into the slipstream of a few cheeky motorists there were no hitches.

Unfortunately Sunday morning dawned and it felt like the Easter Bunny had done a quick rendition of Riverdance on my back whilst depositing my 5 yr old's egg. I could hardly move my neck and my shoulders were like a board. Not the first time this has happened to me, it must be said, but the first time in a long time and completely unexpected. After painkillers and hotwater bottles and crossed fingers failed me, I had to concede defeat and cancel the Sunday run.

Tuesday sped around and feeling alot better I tentatively laced up to go for my first ever run with my husband. Two mile - long runs separated by a brief walk. My perseverance was rewarded when I caught more than one glimpse of surprise on his face. Adrian is not easily impressed! I missed my usual running partner though. I realised that Abbie's chirpy nature, funny one - liners and general motivation really do make a big difference to me.

Week 6 Day 3 dawned this morning with another belter of a sore neck. I really can't describe how disappointed I was. Already 2 days behind, (and after Abbie pointed out that it was my neck, not my legs) I decided I'd have to give it a go. 2.25miles later at an average of 11miles an hour and the neck was no worse.

Alternating running and walking is now over in the program. Next week is 3 2.5mile runs. Somehow, I have graduated into the realm of being an actual 'runner'. What's more is I feel like one. I am becoming increasingly aware of times and I have my sights set on a 4 mile run (6.5k) in May. There is absolutely no room for any more delays. I must complete the C25k programme in 2 weeks and build the extra 1.5k in the following fortnight if I'm going to be ready.

Not bad for a girl that could hardly run for a minute only 6 weeks ago eh?

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Week 5

I did it! I ran (loose term) 2 miles in 20 minutes. 5 weeks ago I couldn't go 100 yards without the urge to yield to the pain in my thighs and chest and give up. Today I ran 2 miles. To say that this is momentous for me, is an understatement.

The week began pretty much like all the other weeks with the workouts being a combination of running / walking in alternate stints. Sure, the running sections were longer and the (beloved) walking respite, diminishing, but, with with a push and some great words of encouragement from Abbie, they passed relatively uneventfully. The discovery of baths in Epsom salts rejuventated tired muscles and ensured that my body felt better than it had in a few weeks.

Unfortunately, thoughts of the impending 2 mile run on Day 3 preoccupied me. Self doubt, like an uninvited, unwanted guest, dug in for a weeklong stay. By the time Abbie suggested we go for the Day 3 run a few hours earlier than our allotted time I couldn't see the point in arguing (or more accurately couldn't think of an argument good enough).

So off we went. I decided as the chimes went, that enough was enough. I needed to get on with it. This was my very own  'Just do it' moment! In that instant I realised that I need not have worried. As I concentrated on my breathing and steps there was no room for self doubt. I silenced my brain with the mantra 'one foot in front of the other'.

What an achievement in 5 weeks. I am thrilled. Week 6 steps back to alternating walking / running for the first 2 days, with the last being a 2 1/4 mile run. Am I worried? Hell no! I can run 2 miles ya know ;)